2016 - 2018
Click each piece to enlarge
the mimic [2017]
like you do [2017]
euclidean [2017]
it’s okay [2017]
pash [2017]
convenience [2017] - study
into oblivion [2017]
hoenn coast [2018]
the rabbithole [2017] - self portrait
SCP-716 [2017] - study
hemet, oct 26th, 1984 [2017]
sweet overcast [2017]
pyro - [2017]
bring back the era [2016]
deathbreath [2018]
eden [2018]
compromised [2017]
the lost world [2017]
breadth [2017]
what took you so long? [2017]
all hail [2016]
nocturne [2018]
will there be a mcdonalds? I [2016]
will there be a mcdonalds? II [2018]
advice from a caterpillar [2017-2018]
dogscape river [2017]
approaching storm [2018]
trippyfish [2017]
good vibes [2018]
technicolor yawn [2018]
the swell [2017]
supreme ponachos [2018]