Fever, a shapeshifter, has many alternate forms belonging to their own unique dimensions.
Nightcrawler exists in the same reality as the original.
Species: Corporeal Lost Soul
Alignment: Lawful Neutral Abberation, INFJ
Deathcount: ♾
Nicknames: Fever, Night, True Night, Night Night [partner exclusive]
Type: Dark/Psychic
Ability - Nightmare Logic: Chance of opponent's ability failing
Resistances: Psionic Damage [immune], Physical Damage, Darkvision
Weaknesses: Poison, Necrotic Damage, Disintegration, Light Sensitivity
夜 [ immersion ] 這う
After misguided astral projection shot Fever's soul far into the unknown reaches of deep space, they ceased being connected.
Upon eons of death and metamorphosis away from their mortal body, what was left returned to earth as The Nightcrawler.
Nightcrawler is a shapeshifter that, due to their deathcount, can absorb living mass. They can regenerate from a single cell as long as there is sufficient animal nutrition around. Losing mass in any form can be catastrophic. Able to see with their entire body, teleport, imitate an endless variety of materials, and changing shape at unbelievable speed, as well as assimilation, make Nightcrawler earth’s dominant lifeform.
The red claw on each hand is wicked sharp and able to cut the fabric of space-time, allowing them to slip in and out of this reality.
They can speak telepathically to others, conjure mental images, and trick the mind in various ways to their advantage.
The red crest surrounding the face acts as a vent - channeling pain, frustration, rage, and similar feelings away from the mind to allow for a calm demeanor. Touching it isn’t advised, as one would be instantly stricken with pain, fear, and shocking mental imagery. If the feelings become overwhelming, the crest becomes hot to the touch with exhaust. Unicorns are immune to the nature of Nightcrawler’s crest.
They take full advantage of their wild ability to shapeshift, using it for deep emotional and artistic expression most importantly. They love terrifying forms, movie monsters, and more abstract expressions of pure emotion. They conquer fears and discomforts by taking their shape. Meditation and psychedelics often combine with their painless shifting into kaleidoscopic forms, of which can have irreversible effects on the observing mind.
Androgynous, a natural flirt, and terribly romantic, how they present each day varies. They have a deep appreciation for film, music, and art, are extremely passionate about what they love, and have an unfathomable adoration for their partner. Very to the point and doesn’t like to bullshit or argue. They value honesty and avoid toxic friendships, preferring a small group of close trusted people.
Enjoys movies, gaming and its culture, rainy days, and a healthy amount of alone time. They follow a strict, high-quality carnivorous diet. Not very charismatic.
Has complex characters created through their transformations.

![Fever [Casual]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5bd1981c34c4e292c345f693/1601247725789-WH6FKMAX3BV8FNYC3PVU/dcp35no-562536cd-cb1a-41b8-a57f-6cbeb4d60325.jpg)
In the years following the existence of Nightcrawler on earth, they have become the spark for a series of cultist behavior worldwide. Those who have researched the astral plane and how to project their soul are extremely dedicated, as credible guides and information regarding these planes and processes had been mostly lost to time, with the secrets known by very few.
When one dies with their soul intact, they ascend to become a higher being. When one dies without a soul, their hollow shell is destined to enter the abyss - while the shadow exists on its own, deathless. While the process of growth into an eldritch entity is very little understood, it is thought to be that the soul is very malleable, and weak to whatever influences are out in the unspeakable darkness.
Members of this amorphous cult believe the soul, deserving freedom from their mortal prisons, must be allowed to grow and exist. Part of the person’s consciousness remains with the lost soul upon severing, which is often a violent and traumatic event. The part that remains may go on to influence the shapes or even abilities of the entity later on.
The Moth is the result of a very dedicated person losing astral connection willingly. The fetus, molding out in deep space, had died many hundreds of times. Not holding a candle to Nightcrawler’s deathcount [age], this results in a lack of ability. They can shapeshift most notably, but are unable to alter minds or travel cross-dimensionally. Lost souls are not guaranteed to be powerful enough to return to earth even after a millennia of death and growth, but the longer they spend in the crushing void, the more horribly capable they become.
Deathcount: 600
An immensely powerful being that is growing out in deep space. Their body is in a constant state of hypnotic metamorphosis after an immeasurable cycle of trauma and death. Can shapeshift at will and phase in and out of reality. With a deathcount so high, they have developed the ability to raise the dead on the physical plane.
Only ghostly fragments of humanity are ever witnessed. Has transcended to the point where his voice alone can kill those on the physical plane. It is said to sound like a cacophony of horns and wails, and angry howling wind that grips the very atoms of those who hear it, and reduces them to a pitiful pile of ash.
It is unknown how old this entity is, why they have remained in the void despite being capable of cross-dimensional travel, or if this was a result of willing or unintentional separation of soul. They have seldom appeared on Earth, only to cause destruction. In whispers, it is theorized that they were once a ruler in an age lost to time.
Deathcount: ♾♾♾